Wisdom from a Kellogg Professor & Pastor

Northwestern-Kellogg Clinical Professor of Management, Dr. Nicholas Pearce, is one of 3 panelists speaking on "Going Beyond Survival and Success" during Work as Globalocal Mission 2021. As a business school professor, executive advisory consultant and pastor of many from various careers, Dr. Pearce shares how he defines true success and a purposeful life.

Discussion Questions

Contributor: Eric Mah, Business Consultant, Non-profit Board Member, former Head of Treasury at Uber

  1. How has your definition of success--or “scorecard for success”--been shaped by your teachers, bosses, and other influential leaders in your life? What do you believe God’s “scorecard” is for you?

  2. Dr. Pearce said: “The world views us as human doings (versus beings). We are valuable to the extent that we produce something of value.” Though the world’s definition of success is linked to what we produce, God’s definition of success is not linked to our accomplishments, but our significance in His eyes: “We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works.” (Eph 2:10). How have you experienced your significance to God in your work and life? 

  3. Dr. Pearce invites us to think beyond our professional careers to consider our vocation, or call, from God. He breaks down “vocation” into two components: 1) clarity on what God’s call is and 2) the courage to live it out. Is there something that you know you can’t not do in life? How is God calling you to live more courageously into this area? 

  4. Dr. Pearce defines success as faithfulness: “being faithful to the call of God, one decision, one moment, at a time.” How are you being obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit in this moment? How are you trusting God, whether in your work, rest, or recreation? 

  5. In this season, where do you sense God is calling you to be a blessing and to point people to Christ through your vocation and who God has made you to be--not just your career? 

  6. What is one specific action or change you can implement at work that demonstrates your faithfulness to God and that reflects your significance as an image bearer of God?  Perhaps it's related to how you manage and present yourself to managers, peers and team members, or how you encourage others during challenging times or how you take joy and purpose in a specific project.

  7. Is there a time in your work experience where you felt God was more present, where you felt more aligned with His will?  If so, what were the ingredients that made that time more special, and what can you do today to incorporate those ingredients?