Debunking Three Myths

International Entrepreneur, Mark Ko, is one of 3 panelists speaking on "Going Beyond Survival and Success" during Work as Globalocal Mission 2021. As co-founder of a digital startup that has been named a top disruptive and visionary company, Mark shares what it has meant to face the challenges of survival and the temptations of success and his journey using technology to help others find treasure that lasts.

Discussion Questions

Contributor: Eric Mah, Business Consultant, Non-profit Board Member, former Head of Treasury at Uber

  1. The first myth Mark shared was: Sometimes you just need to do anything to survive or resolve the problem quickly, even if it means making sacrifices.” Mark debunks this myth by saying that we can focus so much on “making it” in the here-and-now that we give up what truly matters in eternity. When stakes are high, Mark says that having an eternal perspective guards his heart and helps him consider what really profits him in eternity, i.e. whether he is the father to his son that God wants him to be (2 Corinthians 5:10). Give an example of a time when you were faced with a career-related decision that challenged your priorities or values. What was your decision-making process like? How did you navigate this with God? 

  2. The second myth Mark shared was: I need success that the world can recognize so that I can have an effective platform to point people to Jesus.” Mark shares that the temptation of this myth is to use glorifying Jesus as a cover for our desires for comfort, security, and immortality. In his own experience, Marks says that telling the story God is writing in his life right now “in the trenches,” rather than telling big stories of how he’s overcome, has been one of the most effective platforms to point others to Christ. How have you experienced God working and using you, right where you are in your current career, to be a blessing to others? 

  3. The third myth Mark shared was: Business successes are a reflection of my ability and my effort, or in Christian circles, how pleasing I am to God.” Mark shares the temptation of this myth is to believe that results are mainly determined by our effort, ability, and awesomeness. However, he shares that all the major wins for his company in the past few years seem to be due to things that God did, rather than his own hard work. How have you experienced God’s grace, or God working regardless of your effort (an effort-success disconnect), in your own career? How does this shape or alter your perspective on this myth? 

  4. To what extent do you personally relate to myths 1-3? Feel free to share more about your own journey in wrestling with any of these challenges. 

  5. God wants his children to thrive in their lives, not just survive.  Pick one area of your career or work life where you feel like you're stuck in survival mode and imagine what God-centered thriving could look like for you. Prayerfully consider what immediate next steps you're prepared to take to move to this state of thriving.   

  6. Identify one area of your career or current job that is still a work in progress but where you see God's presence. Now consider who you can share this insight with so that it may be a blessing to them, or journal your thoughts and prayers to document how God is moving in you this season.