Many tasks and concerns may clamor for your attention after you sense God’s call to missions. But one thing not to miss throughout the discernment and preparation process of crossing cultures to witness for Christ is to learn from the experiences of others who have gone before you. You may not only find helpful information that addresses your specific situation and challenges, but also find answers to questions that you didn’t even know to ask.

If you’re interested in tentmaking missions in Asia or the Middle East, we have grouped some of our stories and articles into three categories to guide your exploration. The three categories include:

1.     The Missionary Journey

2.     Common Concerns

3.     Job-related Issues 

Each category feature examples of singles, couples or families that illustrate common issues in the missionary journey. Depending on your life stage, some insights may be more relevant than others. But regardless of your specific scenario, it’s often helpful for say, singles, to look ahead to the issues for couples and for couples to look at those for families and so forth as no one life stage is completely isolated from the others.  

And as hindrances are to be expected in serving the Lord, particularly in the complexities of missions overseas, it’s conducive to do some research and obtain insights without letting difficulties, sometimes seemingly insurmountable, to derail your calling.

Hebrews 11 has shown us many times how His people have overcome challenges with eyes of faith. So, what truly matters is not simply the results of our service, as evident in the lives of biblical people named in the chapter of faith, but rather having faith in Him and being faithful to His calling.