In Part 1 of the story, the author shared how Paul’s message from 1 Cor. 9:19-23 guides his approach to work and work relationships: To the Jews become as a Jew and be a servant to all. In his leadership position, he learns to be a bridge and to share with others the love of God and the blessings of the gospel.

To the Weak I Became Weak

Serving my secretary

When a new secretary was assigned to me, I took her to lunch to get acquainted. As we ate, she asked me: “Aren’t you a Christian? Why didn’t you pray before eating?” I replied, “Yes, I’m a Christian. I didn’t pray aloud because I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. But from now on, I will pray for us.”

She was curious about Christianity and had a lot of questions. So, I started Alpha with her at work. After she left for another company, we still meet weekly to explore the faith. She and her husband are among my wife and my closest friends. 

Serving hotel lounge workers

In my work travels, I stay at the same hotels in each city. When I can, I’d visit the lounge at night. The staff would pour me a Scotch and we would chat.

One night, a staff worker looked very unhappy. I asked her what was wrong. A coworker had been mean to her, and she was having a hard time at work. I told her God loves her and prayed for her. She was filled with joy and peace, and we became good friends.

I regularly invited some hotel staff to share a meal. My wife and I also had them as guests in our home. I thanked them for teaching me the local culture and practicing the language with me. We had so much fun together. They enjoyed hearing about God’s love and how God had brought me to their country.

Serving flight attendants

On a long flight from East Asia to Europe this year, the head purser for the business class came to talk to me: “The other attendants on the flight told me about you. You’re the only person who, when we came to serve you, would pause your movie, take off your headphones, and talk to us. Other people couldn’t be bothered. What’s your story?” I explained to her that I was a Christian, that God Himself came to serve others, and how He brought me to her country. She was deeply moved and told me that she could see that God was with me.

Becoming all things to all people

From these experiences, I have learned a few things:

  • My secretary was low in rank within the company. Within their society, that my wife and I became best friends with her and her husband, that we should “come down to her level” is counter cultural. We reached out intentionally, and made them feel comfortable that our friendship is genuine. 

  • I asked this former secretary how she guessed I was a Christian when we first met. She could not recall the details. But she had heard that I was a Christian. Later, what she observed piqued her interest to learn more about my faith. I came to realize that people we don’t expect or are outside our social circles could be watching us all the time, especially if we are in positions of influence. If our faith is a lifestyle we live consistently, wherever we are and whatever we do, they may see Jesus in us.

  • Before I moved overseas, I had a lot of work travel too. But I never thought to befriend hotel staff where I stayed or flight attendants when I flew. They were just there to serve me. After God brought me overseas, my perspective changed. Now, I actively pray for ways to meet and serve whomever I encounter, including those whose job it is to serve me.

All for the sake of the gospel

I regret that God had to move me across the world to teach me how to serve and love others. These things I am learning I could have and should have done in my home country. Still, I am grateful for what He is teaching me now. 

I encourage you, my fellow believers, whatever your job and wherever it takes you: Love and serve those around you to share with them the blessings of Jesus.

  • Who are the people God has put around you that you can share His love with? 

  • In what ways can you be a bridge to meet and serve others at work, or whomever you encounter?