John was a young professor of medicine. His wife, Wendy, was a software manager. They worked hard for years to prepare for missions, but the right jobs did not come for a long time. During his fellowship years, John learned that there were few opportunities to teach medicine in developing countries. He decided to pursue additional training in a related area that would help his research and broaden his options for service overseas.

John's mentor was active in global health and opened the door for him to consult for an international organization. John worked well with his Asian collaborators because of his cross-cultural sensitivity and servant spirit. As his contributions were being recognized, John and Wendy began to pray for an overseas assignment with this agency. But he needed more hands-on experience in public health. By faith, John resigned from his prestigious university position to work for the state public health system.

It took another two years before a position in Asia became available. That same year, his sister's family relocated to where their aging parents lived, so John and Wendy felt fully released to go overseas. Six years was a long wait, but it led to the perfect job at the perfect time.

Customarily, staff positions with his NGO are not renewable beyond two to three terms. So after 8 years, John knew his time was up even though both his work and ministry had been rewarding. Relocating would be disruptive for their teenage children. To stay in the country, he had to find another job. Opportunities were scarce. Leaving seemed inevitable. But John and Wendy trusted God to provide if their work in Asia was not yet done. 

After much prayer, John contacted a former colleague who had also left the university to work for a non-profit organization. John shared with him the significance of the work that he was doing at the time. Within a year, the organization created a position for John where his expertise and networks overseas with government, international agencies and public health professionals would be fully utilized. The job not only allowed John to stay in Asia, it was even a career advancement for him. When we align our life with God's will, He will show us the way. As John likes to put it, “All we do is make ourselves available–just show up.”

Reflection Questions:

  • John said, “All we do is make ourselves available–just show up.” How open and available are you to God? 

  • Prayer is a big part of John and Wendy's tentmaking journey. As they show up, they trust that God would too. Have you experienced God showing up? How is your prayer life?