
Two years in a 10/40 Window country has taught Sabrina how desperately prayer is needed for the field workers and their ministries. Seeing the struggles of fellow workers in her city, and personally experiencing spiritual warfare on the ground, she asked God what she could do about it.

The pandemic has brought special hardships.  A few workers who went home for Spring Festival in 2020 could not return. Sending churches are fighting their own battles with Covid and lockdowns.

Getting funds to their workers is near impossible. Healthcare on the field is suboptimal. Furthermore, the public distrusts the government and ignores precautions against the virus.  Stress levels among the workers remain high as they experience unusual physical fatigue, insomnia, sundry health problems, and several accidents.

Sabrina has been bringing fellow workers together to pray online since the onset of the pandemic. Praying together every week brings comfort to their small community. They have grown closer when before they were siloed in their respective ministries. She has also been creating peer learning opportunities for them through online courses on missions, selfcare, Muslim outreach, etc., helping under-supported friends with their registration fees with her own resources.

Inspired by daily online prayer meetings in her home country, where hundreds of intercessors would gather to pray, Sabrina decided to bring field workers, sending churches and agencies together for a concert of prayer. Despite the security risks, the urgency to inform and mobilize intercessors made it imperative.

PTL, the first prayer meeting went smoothly without a hitch. Over 80 participants from four time zones on both sides of the Pacific signed on and stayed the entire two hours. Intercessors on the West Coast of the United states got up at 6:00 am on a Saturday to participate.

It has been said: Prayer needs no passport, visa or work permit.  There is no such thing as a “closed country” as far as prayer is concerned. James O. Fraser, said, “I believe it will only be known on the last day how much has been accomplished in overseas missions by the prayers of earnest believers at home.”

 Sabrina is organizing two more prayer meetings right before and during the Ramadan, the most holy month when Muslims around the world fast and pray to Allah. Let us pray that many of them will encounter Jesus.

“The history of missions is the history of answered prayer.”    – Samuel Zwemer

“Talking to men for God is a great thing, but talking to God for men is greater still.”     – E. M. Bounds

 “We can reach the world, if we will. The greatest lack today is not people or funds. The greatest need is prayer.”   – Wesley Duewel

“Prayer does not equip us for the greater work—prayer is the greater work.”  – Oswald Chambers