The Kingdom is For Everyone

Founder, Zoetica, Inc., Nicole Dickens, is one of 2 panelists speaking on "Seeking Unity and Shaping Culture" during Work as Globalocal Mission 2021. As an entrepreneur passionate about developing ideas that transform society, Nicole discusses how we can be a voice for kingdom-based business and workplace culture in the US, and to be salt and light in our workplaces for unity amidst diversity.

Discussion Questions

Contributors: Valerie Kosiadi, Customer Success, MainStreet; Enping Hong, Senior Scientist / Pharmaceutical Industry

  1. Nicole says that embracing the kingdom of God is crucial to unity. According to Nicole, while the kingdom of God is the gospel Jesus truly preached, it’s also one of the most misunderstood concepts in Christianity. What does “the kingdom of God” mean to you? How would you describe it? 

  2. Nicole says that believers are bearers of the kingdom of God because we have the spirit of Christ, who brought God’s kingdom to earth. This means that every time someone is near us, the kingdom is near them. What do you think it means to be a kingdom-bearer? What could being a bearer of the kingdom look like for you in your current workplace?  

  3. Nicole challenges us with several descriptions of reconciliation. The first is that unity is a function of reconciliation. In other words: if we want to pursue unity at work, we first need to do the work of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18-21). The second is that reconciliation involves embracing pain as an opportunity. It involves seeking freedom, righteousness, and justice for all lives--not just some lives in certain states. The third is that reconciliation involves “solving for the many and not the few,” i.e.: looking beyond our local context to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). Which of these descriptions of reconciliation do you resonate with in the context of your workplace, and why? 

  4. Nicole states that justice--restoring what one has stolen, killed, destroyed--is required before true reconciliation can take place. How have you seen this (or not) in your workplaces? What are some of the barriers to such restoration in the workplace?

  5. Overall, how has Nicole’s talk changed the way you view the kingdom of God and how you live it out in your workplace?